Week 3

Welcome back! it was so wonderful seeing you and your parents this past week! We hope you have been enjoying our lessons. LET US DIVE RIGHT IN THIS WEEK AS WE LEARN ABOUT HOW JESUS’ POWER takes action.

**Please remember to share with us your wonderful, amazing, awesome crafts, experiment, drawings, etc. etc. Submit your work here

**click on the following for the entire playlist:

Pre-k/kinder track

elementary track

a message from our directors



The worship station is where the children will learn to sing and dance to songs that relate to the theme of each week. Along with singing and dancing, there will be skits as well. The songs and skits emphasize that we can do all things through Jesus' power. The station is led by Ted and Katrina. The song for each week is listed below: 

[Your Power Will Pull Us Through]

Pre-K Bible Story


Jesus loves children and He is the Lord of our lives! We are going to learn more about His amazing power from the Bible!

Bible Story

The station leaders of Bible Story, Patrick and Phillip,  will be teaching you through the amazing life of Jesus in the Gospel through skits ! Please pay attention to the stories because there will be some cool questions at the end !. At the end of the video, there is a question time in which you can respond to ! Please send in your responses to the questions in the link. This is the link for answering bible story questions !


Pre-K Discovery & Crafts 

科學實驗 Science Experiments


In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth… and the world is wonderful and marvelous. There are many scientific phenomena and principles worth exploring, come with Vivian to discover the mystery and beauty of God's creation in scientific experiments! 

手工 Hands-on activities


Hands-on experiences help us to grow. The crafts remind us of the power of Jesus and help us to grow in God’s words. May our wisdom and size increase together.

Discovery & Crafts 

The discovery and crafts station led by Erin & Emily  will be hands-on ways that you will be able to experience the cool ways that God has created our world! These experiments and art projects will be ways to help you visualize and have a physical reminder of how God’s power takes action in our lives. 


Kidvid is all about us telling stories to you! These stories show God’s power and how He helped your station leaders in tough times. Tim and Joyce will be inviting two people to share each week! There will be questions at the end of each video, but don’t worry they will be easy! :)